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Latest on Careercloud.com Here are a few of the recent articles from Careercloud! Steps To The Interview Process: A Guide For Employers To hire people, you need to do an interview. Interviewing candidates, however, isn’t as easy as asking a few questions. Your company needs to define and follow a process. This will help make hiring decisions more straightforward and more accurate. Here’s what you need to do to make your interview process top-notch.
WHAT IS THE BEST INTERVIEW PROCESS? The best interview process is one that the company clearly defines, communicates to the candidate, and follows religiously. This way, everyone knows where they are in the process, and you can select the best applicant.
To read the whole article. Click here!
Indeed vs Monster In the world of online job search sites, Indeed and Monster rank among the most popular for job seekers. If you've ever searched for a job, chances are you've visited one or both sites already. Both also allow companies to post jobs along with other employer services. While both companies target the same audience, they do business in different ways. Below is our comparison of Indeed and Monster so you can determine which service is better for your needs.
Indeed- is an online job search site founded in 2004. The job site is considered one of the largest job sites in the world, with more than 250 million unique visitors each month from more than 60 countries.
Monster- has been helping job seekers, and employers connect for over 25 years. The site offers free job searching for job seekers. Companies can choose from several paid job listing options and access four-day free trials to test the service.
To read the whole article. Click here!
How To Hire A Video Editor
Video editing used to be a job that only movie studios and advertising agencies needed. Now, if your business isn’t on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, you’re missing a huge part of your potential audience. Hiring a video editor may seem overwhelming. In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about hiring a video editor.
WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR WHEN HIRING A VIDEO EDITOR? Someone who will share your vision and has the skills necessary to do the work.
To read the whole article. Click here!
Recent Episodes on Careercloud Radio The Careercloud Radio podcast has featured some amazing guests!
Jobs For College Grads With Parker Dewey Founder Jeffrey Moss
Jeffrey works with colleges, universities, foundations, companies, and students to help improve the college-to-career transition process. While many organizations focus on college accessibility (which is vital), those pursuing a degree or have already graduated can get ignored. As a result, Career Launchers, many of whom have demonstrated their skills and grit, successfully overcoming obstacles to earn a degree, are often underemployed after graduation.
The Amazingly Simple Way to Stand Out on a Job Hunt With Joel Bein Joel Bein is passionate about self-driven learning, creativity, personal growth, and human consciousness. He is a content marketer and job hunt coach at Crash.co, a startup on a mission to help people discover and do what makes them come alive. He is a writer for The Daily Job Hunt newsletter, host of the Career Crashers Podcast, host of the Exponentially Empowered podcast, and, as a classically trained musician and conductor, he is Founder and Artistic Director of the New Orleans Chamber Players.
From Around the Web
It probably won't come as a surprise to hear this, but businesses don't run too well without employees. That's why the employee hiring process is such a lengthy and detailed one. If you do it right, you'll find and hire high-quality candidates who stick around and represent your business the way you would.
A typical job interview is little more than a social call with some predictable choreography. A conference-room meeting, a pristine résumé and the standard questions: Where do you want to be in five years? What do you consider your biggest failure? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
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Talk soon! The Careercloud Team